At the age of 70, the idea of climbing #16 at Trails into a ripping gale - fresh from trying to beat a rescue club into #15 - would be a bit much in my dotage. I suppose playing first thing in the morning, before the wall of wind cranks up out of the north might be okay - but there are better choices. The drip drip drip of father time eventually (aside from Mucci) erodes your ability to compress the pellet. The last time I ballooned one on #16 at Trails, the fucking ball practically came back at me.
I'm going to throw up my hands at this point and assert that I'm not interested in playing hard courses past the age of 65. Let's just put a down payment on a cottage next to Westhampton and surrender to the inevitable. Truth be told, I will never, ever move to the East Coast - so our Ocean and Cliffs courses will have to do.