The explanation (probably not quite correct) I got from the caddie was that there is only a couple of inches of soil on top of a lot of sand and that the compaction caused by carts would adversely affect the turf. The grass is dormant now (and not overseeded, although still quite green) and you can see some wear patterns where there is cart traffic.
There are different strains of Bermuda. You can see some creepage of the fairway Bermuda onto the edges of greens.
The caddie said he was busy during the summer. Not sure what that means. There were maybe 40 cars (meaning maybe 80 golfers) in the lot yesterday.
I didn't see any real significant changes other than that the sod wall around the putting green is gone.
No morons on the first tee, but then you weren't there.

They did move the water bucket closer to the starters pedestal so that it's more accesible on the way to either course.
I was off two hours after you. The greens on PB were smooth but very slow, unlike any other time I've been there. The greens on RO were somewhat faster. The replay rate was $20. Hard to pass up.
It was quite comfortable starting at 10 a.m. and even a bit toasty in the afternoon - a brilliant sunny and almost windless day.
Foe whatever it's worth there were probably 2 to 3 times more cars at WW than at Streamsong.