Sean, I definitely see the similarities. Do the trees though, particularly down the left, take away the strategy of the left layup? It seems like it from the aerial but it doesn't seem so from the on-the-ground pics.
Sorry, I double crossed myself with a tyop. My comments in reference to the above were pertaining to LA's 14th, yet another of the type you describe. This hole legs hard right though.

The problem with being covering the diagonal bunker, but still short! This aspect of needing another 20-25 yards over the bunker is quite clever.


The only issue I have with the 14th is too many trees down the right. They negate the tendency to play smash mouth golf and that isn't something which I can't understand.
Any chance you can slap up an overhead?
If I was given flat land and wanted to create the above sort of template, I would definitely keep the green at grade or just above and stick with the green moving with the line of the aggressive tee shot (ie front to back and if a legger right right to left). If the hole is straight I would want a shallow green and if doglegged a narrow green. I don't see much need to reinvent the wheel!
The bunkering would have to be figured out, but I would tend to favour a large angled crossing bunker which obscures the view of the green or blocks it out entirely.
Mark - you should make your way to LA sometime. Its a subtle course that many don't immediately appreciate, but in truth its a hare's breath from being a greatun'. Just a bit of tree work here and there, some mowing line action and a fiddle with a few bunkers and Bobs yer uncle.