While killing time in the Hong Kong airport this evening, I went back to read my Feature Interview from 2009.
At the end, Ran asked me what projects we had on the drawing board right then, and I listed:
2 courses that were complete and ready to open,
6 projects that had been routed and were stalled by the Global Financial Crisis,
4 projects that I was doing routings for,
2 places that I was looking at new projects,
(and a partridge in a pear tree

Four and a half years later, here's how that all worked out:
1 of the 2 courses I'd finished is open and thriving (Old Macdonald). The other turned off the desal plant (Bay of Dreams). I never did get to play it.
None of the 6 planned projects ever happened. In fact, I have only ever heard from one of those clients in the past 4 years. Some of them had paid us a chunk of money for their plans, though, which helped us survive the downturn.
We are just finishing up one of the 4 projects I was doing a routing for, in China. Two of the others never happened, and the third may or may not.
1 of the 2 places I was looking at was central Florida, where we of course built Streamsong. The other never materialized.
Luckily, in the meantime, we have come up with three other new projects that have kept us busy. But the conversion rate for the sixteen projects I listed for Ran was a measly .188 batting average [3 for 16]. And I'm doing well!
If you want to work in this business, you'd better be prepared to roll with the punches. And if the thought of that really scares you ... consider that my insurance guy plays a lot more golf than I do.