David, I don't like it, and here is why based on that one picture:
If you are going to go artificial, build the whole damn site and then route the golf across, up, and over, and occasionally through it. Golf with all the shit piled up along the edges is so 1980's 
That was my initial reaction as well.
However, after clicking on the website and looking at the diagrams and pictures, it's not so black and white.
I like the fact that the fairways have great movement in them- not nearly the movement of the sides, but pretty good movement nonetheless.
I like the billowing and rollicking fairways, and the bunkers contained internally within them.
As Don points out though, it would be great to see some of the sharp features that are on the sides, not always on the sides, and played over and or around.
It is quite 80's in appearance, but appears to have a bit of modern/golden age strategy.
It always amazes me on modern golf courses how many architects (and for that matter superintendents) think playability involves a corridor they deem "fair", or sufficient, and it rarely varies in its width, and has equally bad shit on both sides, but rarely asks a player to play over or around such bad areas, while giving a wide berth to someone who might choose to play to a safe side.
Hint:"native" grass is going to get my attention strategically a hell of a lot more than a bunker supposedly protecting an angle or green.