Sean - Lets just say that you had a business where you might get an enquiry for 16 golfers that want a 3 day golf tour and accomodation, lets say you have placed various adverts in publications, do you want to take that phone call or be aware of that phone call within a few minutes? There is only 1 answer, of course you do, an enquiry for business should be dealt with asap, 5, 6, 7 hours later might be too late, that customer will be looking at other deals and might go with someone else.
Now the dilema is.... No phone with you while you play golf or take the phone? Do you want to stay at home and wait for the call?
You can relate that to plumbers, electricians all sorts that play golf perhaps if they are a bit quiet but they dont want to lose that call.
If your a boss your staff might need you to help them make an important call. The mobile phone is ACTUALLY GREAT FOR GOLF as it allows people time to play.
Banning phones is absolute financial suicide. Hardly any one will leave a club or not play a course because a club allows a phone, can you imagine getting invited to play somewhere and then you ask the chap thats invited you...just one thing do they let you use a phone on the course because if they do, I dont want to play.
Phones are a big yes, but they must be discreet and on silent or low and definetly no silly ring tones. It seems even more important as time goes on as the phones have golf apps and probably in a few years will replace the scorecard, you will just type your score into the phone text it to a server and you will have a live leaderboard for the midweek medal!