maybe I am confused. Now you are saying 337 meters, but that is what we played at Buda. But weren't you saying the tees were going much farther back? Can you post the new numbers for both yellow and back tees?
I didn't think that I could reach the fairway from the new tee with a 5 iron or even hybrid. So it has to be driver. And then it has to be 5 wood in order to get to wedge range. It's no fun to be hitting a mid iron into that green with your 3rd
I am also a member at Noordwijkse, but unfortunately was not able to attend BUDA. Also I am not as knowledgeable as David on the changes, but I can and would like to chip in some of my thoughts, having played the hole well over a 100 times.
From David's second entry into this thread above:
I should add a couple other points that I've taken for obvious just because I know the hole so well. As you can see the current tee box in the first photos is a bit of an ugly runway. This will of course be changed. These tees are being separated and moved slightly to the right which changes the angle a little. The mens yellow tees will also be moved back about 12 meters which really bring the bunkers into play from the yellows for most players as well.So the yellow tee will not be at 400 meters after the change, but at roughly 349 meters (381 yards). You would certainly be able to hit the fairway with a 5 iron, even if you are a short hitter. Also If you hit driver, you should be able to reach in two even if you are a relatively short hitter, unless the wind is > 50 kmh, which is relatively rare even at Noordwijk. You certainly won't be hitting mid iron third shots from this tee.
For the record I believe this is a good finishing hole; yes you can run up a big number if you miss left, but there is a bailout right and it is also very possible to make birdie on the hole for a high single, or low double digit handicapper.
Here is what I like about the hole:
*Longer hitters (220 yards+ carry) will land in an upslope and get much less roll, but if they challenge the bunkers they will cut off a huge chunk of the dogleg and will just have a wedge into the green.
* Fairway contours: If you hit your drive some 180-200 yards carry you will get a kick forward and right towards the green, rewarding the medium to short hitter who hits a good drive (depending on wind). Longer hitters can achieve the same clubbing down off the Tee for a safe play.
* There are dune bushes on the left of the fairway from 220 meters of the tee, which can come into play for the longer hitters.
*As the prevailing wind is not just against but also and equally from the left, it is vital to choose the right line from the tee. It is easy to run out of fairway on the left, if one overcompensates for the wind, but it is also a challenge to avoid rough and the bunkers on the right if you hit a high faded shot. Being able to control trajectory or to pull off a low draw can be a great advantage.
* The hole doglegs to the right, which means the hole becomes much shorter if one drives near the bunkers; for shorter hitters it is a good play to aim for the bunkers if you won't reach them and leave yourself with some 130 meters to the front of the green.
* Left of the green is 'dead', but there is a bailout long and right with a slope kicking balls back onto the green.
*As the hole is a dogleg right, the prevailing wind of the left and against, becomes almost a full left wind for the second shot. This makes club selection difficult as the effect of the wind is really different from the tee shot.
In summary there is a lot to think about both on the tee shot and the approach. With varying wind speeds or directions each play can become an option for virtually every player, so I certainly would not say the hole plays similar every time and there are always several viable options. It is an advantage if you can shape your ball right to left, although on the second shot a high fade can be advantageous as well, making it easier to stop the ball on the uphill shot.
I do agree with some of the criticisms, e.g. the rough surrounding the fairway bunkers. Not so much a problem August-May, but uninviting in summer when the rough is up. Also I would like to see more of the kick-board slope to the right hand side of the green to be mowed as apron or fairway, to entice people a bit more to go for the bailout area.
All in all a thinking man's hole, and therefore in my book a good hole; you can ruin a good score, but you can also play safe, while at the same time one can also choose to play aggressive in a matchplay situation. For the record: The current runway Tee is an eyesore... in that sense the changes are bound to be an improvement.