as far as I am aware TOC is a mix of Festuca Rubra...., Agrostis tenuis and Poa a.. The tendeny is to encourage fescue. As long as you take a sufficient depth then the festuca will be fine and recover as quickly as any other type of grass species. The problem that many in the US have in my experience is overfeeding the sward from a fescue point of view and so allowing other grass types to out perform them.
If you do this type of work at this time of year in the north of the UK then you have very slow leaf growth from all grass types, shallow rooting from most grass types but fescue will have a bit more vigour then most. Big thing in my experience is to insure a good contact between the sod and the ground.
That your bent and poa rooted quicker than the fescue suggests to me that either the sod was thinly cut or your bent was palustris not tenuis.
Having said all that I would expect the sward to stay pretty similar if the same sod is replaced. In this case the crowns will gain more fescue and hollow more bent and poa would be my guess.