And finally (I promise), is a course that was in Long Branch NJ in 1933.
The site is bordered on the N by present day Cedar St., on the S by Lake St, on the E by Bowery Ave (with Woodgate running N to S through it), and on the W by Van CT Ave.

Edit: I believe this one was called the Long Branch GC, founded around 1915 or so.
A short description:
The Links of the Long
Branch Golf Club begin a half mile back
from the ocean in t h e Elberon section, the
first tee being on the north shore of the
Hollywood Lake. Here the club house, a
structure costing $20,000, is located. It has
the latest golfing equipment, with restaurant
and lounging rooms. The course extends
to the south over slightly rolling
country. It is well trapped and bunkered
and is moderately stiff. As Is the case
with the links in t h e vicinity, the turf is in
approximately perfect condition. Of course,
grass greens are used, and the nearness of
the seashore has suggested many sand