Any adult male remember when they were a young, small size boy/junior golfer?
The most used club in your bag other than the putter? A fairway wood. Typical par-4 hole - driver, fairway wood, fairway wood, chip, putts. Typical par-3 - fairway wood, chip, putts. Typical par-5 - driver, fairway wood, fairway wood, fairway wood, fairway wood, chip, putts. Pretty well, boring, just like folk are suggesting golf can be for lady golfers if played from inappropriate tees, but at least with age young, small junior boys get bigger and stronger. Golf ought to be for all, not just big, strong, fit, long-hitting men.
All the best.
I remember EXACTLY that.
and it provided a number of wonderful advantages.
1.I certainly learned how to hit a fairway wood!
2. Gave me plenty of tries to practice different lies and stances
3.I developed a great short game
4.I had a benchmark to track my progress.
It seems we have a number of players who think shots not aimed directly at a green are boring.
I call it practice, but advanced practice as every lie and stance are diferent, as well as every target.
Golf is hard.
perhaps we should stop aiming to lure the new player who needs to be instantly gratified, and focus more on the great things golf has to offer, rather than trying to offer ALL things to all people.
If instant gratification (short irons to par 4's) is what it takes to keep a player's interest, how long before they're bored and onto other things.
I am not suggesting newer players play impossible forced carries or impossible shots.
i am suggesting golf is hard and that perhaps a bit of practice, imaginative on course play, and yes hitting three or fairway woods in a row is not exactly too much to ask for player fairly new to probably the most difficult game out there.
Enjoy the process-play three holes-play from the beginning of the fairway-play from the 150 mark-play from the fringe-skip the "boring" middle part of the hole.
Just don't make me build yet another set of tees.

But as always, to each his own, and certainly many would vote with their feet if they disliked the1-2 tee course that I presented.
I'd like to think it would be cleverly designed and versatile enough that that would not be the case.