Where do you guys play from when you play tennis against a better player?

How about bowling?-same starting point?
Funny, the several dozen players (men and women)with handicaps ranging from + to 31 have never complained about playing one set of tees(all of us) when traveling in the UK.
David Tepper brings up a great point about Dornoch and its lack of disparity between tees, but justifies it due to different pars for different players.
can't we all just establish our own personal goals and pars?

6 sets of tees, multiple pars? can't wait to see that scorecard

Just do away with par and establish generally one or two (when terrain dictates) sets of tees.
Feeling chipper-play all the back ones.
Weak? play all the front.
Can't decide-mix.
Better players will shoot lower scores.
Worse pllayers will shoot higher scores and have longer shots in.
The idea that every hole should present the same challenges is silly.
A well designed course can be playable for all, with different, yet interesting, challenges for each player, playing from nearly similar starting places-which as Tom Doak points out could very well be the middle tees

as Brent points out I'm mainly playing Devil's advocate, but I do get frustrated when a player complains that we (or another course) doesn't have an XXXX length set of tees)
Whatever happened to saying " Course X is a long course" or "course y is a short course" as opposed to ALL courses trying to be all yardages to all people.