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Restoring a masterpiece
« on: October 27, 2013, 06:30:56 AM »
Got a good chuckle at this   :)

John Huggan: Restoring a masterpiece
27 October

THE sign at the end of the road leading to The Machrie reads, rather redundantly, “18-hole championship links golf course”. But the message is worth repeating.

Ever since 22 November 1890, when the original architect, Willie Campbell, stood atop one of the many striking dunes and announced: “This place was made for gowf”, Islay’s contribution to the game has been one for the connoisseur. Australian Bob Harrison, Greg Norman’s long-time (and now former) design partner, goes as far as to call it the “Sistine Chapel of dunes golf”.

Unlike Michelangelo et al’s masterpiece in the Vatican, however, the original Machrie layout has seen multiple revisions over the years. Donald Steel’s introduction of six new holes and a shortened ninth is the most recent of those, but the essential character of the course has emerged largely unscathed. It remains a wonderful place to play golf, in spots a monument to all that is good about the greatest game.

Covered in the humps, bumps and “quirk” so beloved of those self-important and pretentious golf architecture geeks who endlessly disappear up their own backsides on various “specialist” websites and blogs, The Machrie is unashamedly old-fashioned. There are more than a few blind shots. The greens are typically a quaint mixture of dips, slopes and borrows. And many of the fairways resemble an unmade bed, so eccentric are their contours.

For all that, however, The Machrie is, in places, hopelessly out-of-date. Those who make the pilgrimage either by plane from Glasgow or by ferry from the Kintyre peninsula tend to be, more and more, only the aforementioned aficionados. And even they are coming only once, many of them leaving dissatisfied by the experience of walking a layout time has sadly passed by.

Happily, though, things are looking up at The Machrie. The new owners, the multi-millionaire and past BBC chairman Gavyn Davies and his wife Baroness Nye (once diary secretary to ex-Prime Minister Gordon Brown), have engaged the services of former European Tour professional DJ Russell to make the challenge offered by this iconic venue more appropriate to the 21st century.

“My brief is really to enhance The Machrie,” says the two-times European Tour winner, who remains the youngest-ever player to make a hole-in-one in an Open Championship (on Troon’s Postage Stamp in 1973). “Things have happened over the years that have taken away from the original concept on a lot of the holes. Which is a shame. It is an incredible place, an incredible site for a golf course. So it’s important that what we do is nothing except make the place better and more appropriate for the modern world and game.

“The big change in golf came when the game moved from the feathery ball to the Haskell. And The Machrie has stayed pretty much the same since then. But the game has moved on dramatically. There are a lot of blind holes, which can be a bit disconcerting the first time you play there. So, without taking away the character of the place, our aim is just to bring the course into the 21st century.”

That is easier said than done, of course. With the explosion in distance over the last two decades or so, the problem facing every course architect is both obvious and difficult to solve. How does a course challenge the better player, yet remain fun for the less gifted? Make it too long and the handicap golfer can’t possibly enjoy the experience, make it too short and the course is basically obsolete for the professional.

“Modern technology has changed golf,” says Russell, who, remarkably, won the 1992 Lyon Open without making even one bogey. “The quality of the strike between club and ball is now not as important as the speed at which the club is moving. In the past, if players tried to hit the ball really hard, it went all over the place. Now, that is not the case. The ball flies so much straighter than it used to. So tour players, free from the pressure of achieving accuracy, are more than capable of hitting drives 350-400 yards. That’s a good par-4 for the ordinary club member.

“The differences between the tour pro and the average amateur are therefore wider than they have ever been. Which is a sad indictment on those running our game. And it has made it all but impossible for the architect to build a course on which the pro and the amateur can both have fun. The only way ahead is to build in subtlety to course design. We have to ask the good player to do more with the ball.”

Such empathy with golf as an art form, rather than the science it has increasingly become, sounds like a perfect marriage with The Machrie, a course where there is no watering system and so shots played low to the ground tend to have more success than those lofted mindlessly into the air. It is a place where guile and finesse count for more than brute force.

“Overall, our changes will increase the length of the course slightly,” continues Russell, whose assistant on the technical side of the alterations is former European 200-metre sprint champion, Dougie Walker. “What I really want to do is challenge the modern shot. In other words, from the spots where today’s tee-shots tend to finish, I want the approaches to be more interesting and demanding.

“For example, we are building a completely new 10th hole, to replace what was the weakest par-3 on the course. Now, it will play from an elevated tee to a quite generous green at about 145 yards, which I feel is such an awkward distance in links golf. It will be all about ‘creating’ shots to fit the conditions rather than just blasting away, which tends to be the case on ‘short’ holes that play well over 200 yards.

“It’s all about better understanding the interaction between the weather and modern golf.

“The par-5 second hole will also be different and, I think, a lot better. Right now, the landing area for the better player is generous. That’s not great, but even worse is the fact that the weaker player actually has less room to hit into. By moving the tee – and so the angle of the drive – that will be reversed. The better player will be challenged more, if he wants to find the ideal spot. And the higher-handicapper will get a break. It will be an easier drive for him. That has clear benefits for the ‘playability’ of the course.”

Alongside Russell’s work on the course, plans are in place to redevelop the on-site hotel and build a driving range and short-game area. For now though, the priority is the course.

“It has taken me all of two years to fully understand the course and what we need to do with it,” says Russell. “So we’re going to take our time and get it right. There is more than a little pressure involved, too. To be entrusted with the future of this historic place is a big compliment and a big responsibility. I hope the faith of the new owners will be justified.”

It surely will be. DJ Russell knows what he is doing.

James Bennett

Re: Restoring a masterpiece
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2013, 07:25:10 AM »

I don't know what to make of the article, but I can advise that Bob Harrison continues to wax lyrically about The Machrie only three days ago!  He is passionate about that place.

James B
Bob; its impossible to explain some of the clutter that gets recalled from the attic between my ears. .  (SL Solow)


Re: Restoring a masterpiece
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2013, 08:07:23 AM »
I loved The Machrie.

The biggest playability issue I saw was they needed one more pass on each side of the fairway with a fairway mower, as the fairways were needlessly narrowed by very long grass.

The start of the article scared me(the bit about eliminating blindness) but as I read on, it sounds pretty good.
The second hole is definitely as he said-an easy landing area for longer hitters and nearly nowhere for the average guy to land, and I'm aware that's not the first time that hole's been adjusted.

Nice to hear they're going about it slowly, and that he's spent two years studying the course.
Of course both issues could be money related, but often that's a very good thing.

I think I saw something a few threads ago that eliminated the need for internal out of bounds on a good par 4 early on the back nine (11 or 12?)
I look forward to returning
"Let's slow the damned greens down a bit, not take the character out of them." Tom Doak
"Take their focus off the grass and put it squarely on interesting golf." Don Mahaffey

Philippe Binette

Re: Restoring a masterpiece
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2013, 09:31:31 AM »
comment not on whether the project would be good or not but on the architecture...

I hate it when journalists want to boost the name of a former tour pro when acting as an architect..

... was the youngest player ever to make a hole in one in an Open Championship...
.. won the 1992 lyon open without making a bogey...

I mean, what's the point ???

it would be like describing an architect like this : ... the club has hired (Gil Hanse, Tom Doak etc), who has mown his backyard really well two months ago.... and therefore is fully qualified to renovate the course

pointless journalism

Jon Wiggett

Re: Restoring a masterpiece
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2013, 09:54:18 AM »

I would beg to differ on the relevancy of his past golfing experience. It shows he has a background in golf and has travelled seeing many different styles of courses. Widening playing corridors, reduction of blind shots (not a positive for me) or replacing weak holes are all mentioned on the GCA front.

What would you have thought was missing that might have been mentioned?


Ulrich Mayring

Re: Restoring a masterpiece
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2013, 07:37:35 PM »
Why they didn't get Harrison.

First he goes on about how much Harrison (an experienced GCA) loves the course, then some tour player I never heard of with an assistant, who is a former European 200-metre sprint champion, gets the job. If I was writing that article, it would occur to me that I am describing a very bizarre situation and should probably add an explanation.

Golf Course Exposé (300+ courses reviewed), Golf CV (how I keep track of 'em)

Philippe Binette

Re: Restoring a masterpiece
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2013, 10:39:20 PM »
I have nothing against about the work... just about the way the press is trying to sell it

the journalist should insist on exactly what you said: has traveled the wolrd and study lots of great courses... his favorite courses are : this and that...

that really motivates the reader that he's the right man for the job...


Re: Restoring a masterpiece
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2013, 02:34:43 AM »
DJ Russell (also) works as the design partner of Ian Woosnam.   Anthony Pioppi recently reported he had caddied there for the pair this past summer.

Dale Hill is an example of their work.  I haven't played it but I know alot who have as it offers all sorts of discount access deals. The most frequent responseI've recieved when asking what they thought of the course, has been a shrug, a puase and "O.K."

Phillipe I sense some frustration there.  It is always hard to fiugre out how exactly one person gets selected for a job in any industry.  I just wonder if non golfing businessfolk entering the market (usually as part of a much larger deal) are more swayed by the "ex player" tag than a golfer might be?  At the time they bought the land there was a thread here suggesting the new owners were non golfers.
2025 Craws Nest Tassie, Carnoustie.

Duncan Cheslett

Re: Restoring a masterpiece
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2013, 03:07:00 AM »

Covered in the humps, bumps and “quirk” so beloved of those self-important and pretentious golf architecture geeks who endlessly disappear up their own backsides on various “specialist” websites and blogs, The Machrie is unashamedly old-fashioned.

Who could he possibly be talking about?

Adam Lawrence

Re: Restoring a masterpiece
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2013, 05:21:04 AM »
DJ has been practicing as an architect for a long time, he's not just a tour pro doing it for a signature fee. I haven't always been a huge fan of his work, but it is his. Dougie Walker was an international class sprinter it's true, but later trained in GCAon the Ednburgh diploma course, before continuing his training working for Jonathan Gaunt. Nonetheless, this is an article from a national newspaper, and a Scottish one at that - a normal reader, if he's heard of Dougie, will have done so because of his athletic background. C'est la vie.

Anyone who knows Huggan or even follows him on Twitter will be aware of his views on design: he is for the traditional and classical and virulently against the modern, championship etc etc. QED, though I haven't yet seen the Machrie work, if John approves then it increases the likelihood I will like. It.
Adam Lawrence

Editor, Golf Course Architecture
Principal, Oxford Golf Consulting

'More Enduring Than Brass: a biography of Harry Colt' 'Up Top: the story of Landmand' (both forthcoming).

Short words are best, and the old words, when short, are the best of all

Mark Chaplin

Re: Restoring a masterpiece
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2013, 05:31:23 AM »
Didn't DJ design the Archerfield courses? With the best will in the world he isn't a signature tour pro.
Cave Nil Vino

Adam Lawrence

Re: Restoring a masterpiece
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2013, 05:32:50 AM »
Correct. Not my favourite courses, but as you say he is not a signature type.
Adam Lawrence

Editor, Golf Course Architecture
Principal, Oxford Golf Consulting

'More Enduring Than Brass: a biography of Harry Colt' 'Up Top: the story of Landmand' (both forthcoming).

Short words are best, and the old words, when short, are the best of all

Ally Mcintosh

Re: Restoring a masterpiece
« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2013, 06:27:28 AM »
Didn't DJ design the Archerfield courses? With the best will in the world he isn't a signature tour pro.

Believe these were initially routed by David Williams.

DJ responsible for much of the detail.

Ulrich Mayring

Re: Restoring a masterpiece
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2013, 08:29:36 AM »
Well, great news if those two blokes have design experience, but I think the article should have mentioned that instead of meaningless credentials playing the Tour or sprinting at the Olympics. Those might be added for readers faintly recognizing their names, but in a "their previous career involved ..." mode.

Golf Course Exposé (300+ courses reviewed), Golf CV (how I keep track of 'em)

Jon Wiggett

Re: Restoring a masterpiece
« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2013, 12:29:46 PM »

DJ is hardly an unknown especially amongst the golfing public in Scotland. It will be interesting to see what he does.



Re: Restoring a masterpiece
« Reply #15 on: October 29, 2013, 01:31:19 PM »
Didn't DJ design the Archerfield courses? With the best will in the world he isn't a signature tour pro.

Believe these were initially routed by David Williams.

DJ responsible for much of the detail.


The shaping at Archerfield is clumsy, doesn't fit with low profile terrain.
can't get to heaven with a three chord song
