Tom Doak & Mike,
I'd love to have the opportunity to see if I could scare you at NGLA.
The first hole, that little bitty 310 yarder has to have the scariest 1st green in golf.
In a qualifying event or for cash, I bet I could scare you.
I'm scared every time I walk up on the first tee at NGLA.
As to holes after # 8,
Downwind, or with any wind, # 11 with the hole cut on the upper left plateau is scary.
On # 12, with the hole cut behind the spine in any wind is scary.
The tee shot on # 14 is scary and with a wind out of the north, it's downright scary.
# 15 can be terrifying when there's a wind and/or the hole is cut back left/right
And, # 18, ahhh, # 18.
How about I let you drop a ball at 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150 yards from the center of the green, as if that's where your second shot ended up, with the hole cut all the way back, and we bet on you making par. Not birdie, but par. All you'll have to do is knock it on the green and two putt.
All I can say is that Bill Salinetti and I could retire after a couple of days of watching you not be scared

I think there's something else that everyone seems to forget.
The immediate rough off the fairway is about as benign as you can find at NGLA.
Merion employs deep, lush rough to protect against par.
And, there, I think is where the difference in cultures lies.
NGLA doesn't care about protecting par, whereas Merion is obsessed with it.
Yes, I know that NGLA changed par on # 5, but, the hole only played 466 from the members tees (green) and 478 from the championship tees (red) and NGLA tries to present the course as F&F.
One only has to look at to see how the fairways have been shrunk at Merion over the years.
Why ?
For two reasons.
To host U.S. Opens and to protect par.
Merion is a wonderful golf course, but, it would be far, far more enjoyable if the fairway widths were returned to their pre-Open configurations and the rough made less penal.
Unfortunately, some courses feel the need to present themselves as very difficult challenges, and in pursuit of that goal, narrowed fairways and penal rough are part of that process.
If NGLA narrowed its fairways and cultivated deep lush rough, it would lose it's soul.