I have not been involved with Cruden Bay after I built the 19th hole, which coincided with the unfortunate and premature death of their course manager Hamish, with whom I had a good and respectful working relationship. So I cannot tell you more than what I think could be the reasons of the club and the course manager for making these changes.
Hole 7. Reshaping of the surrounds is probably right of the green. Here one could often have a tough lie, because the existing landforms would not allow for cutting the grass short in this area. So my assumption is they want to get smoother surfaces so they can cut this area at fairway or even better fore green height. But it could be much worse....
Hole 18. The existing tee of 18 was always one of the let downs of the course, looking at the ugly nets of the driving range. My guess is that they will be moving the tee to the right of green 17, which would explain the comment of covering the burn between 18 and 1 of the Olaf course. This change would make the visuals better, but I am not sure it would make the hole better, since I feel it makes the hole both easier and less Simpson like in that the way to play it is clearer. Getting rid of the diving range fence would have also been a very good idea.
Hole 8. This green is not original and used to be much higher before it got washed away in the 80's. I guess they are either going to returf the existing green or raise and reshape the green. No idea what they will use as a base to (re)design the green from
Hole 11. Not sure why this hole is being closed for the winter. Its a Simpson original, I do not hope this is a tentative move to take it out of the main course
Hole 19. They have in the last winter closed the middle bunker of this green, not sure why, I guess they did not understand the role the bunker played in the strategy of the hole

One of the main reasons I originally got involved at Cruden Bay in 2006 ( I was a member at that time) was to stop the club from doing rather unwise things they would come to severely regret in the future (lengthening 8, rebuilding 16, taking 15 out of the loop). Based on what I read in your winter notice letter it sounds like the club really need some sensible help again....