I'm replying to Michael George.
Mike Nuzzo is an elite architect who, along with Don Mahaffey, created a masterpiece of strategic design at Wolf Point. It is cutting edge from a playability and interest point of view, and additionally, from sustainability and efficiency ones as well. In my opinion, he deserves consideration with other super elite architects both living and dead. If I had land anywhere he would be an immediate call, as I would want him to see the site and express his thoughts about it. By the way, I would consider it part of due diligence to contact Mr. Hanse and Doak so they could be included for reviewing the site as well. I imagine the choice from that field would be difficult, to say the least.
The five designers I picked prevoiusly are in no particular order. If I fell into 20 million, those are the guys I'd call first, though getting a hold of Mackenzie and Thompson is problematic as I have had great difficulty locating phone numbers or email addresses for either of them.