> Golf Course Architecture

Meadow Brook Club

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Here's the aerial of Meadow Brook, which was AOTD #266.
You can see the practice hole at the bottom middle by the parking lot.

and the AOTD #266 thread:


Do you see how much you can learn if you'll just listen to me  ;D

I thought you said you grew up around Meadow Brook.

Anyone playing the golf course can see the old hole, how did you miss it ?

Perhaps some of us are just keener observers than others  ;D


The photo may have been taken in 2000-2001 time frame
(the 2002 copyright doesn't have anything to do with when
the pic was taken), long enough ago so that the hole could
be gone now.


TEPaul grew up nearby, and played the golf course before 2001-2002.

You have to understand, that if you don't point out architectural features to him, he doesn't see them.

His only saving grace is his seeing eye dog, Cooreshaw, who sits when he arrives at a significant feature, hoping his aimless master will recognize some golf feature and not fall into a bunker.

How do you think TEPaul coined the phrase "blind taste test"?

He was walking along the beach near Maidstone, first, looking for his ball, and then, abandoning that task, looking for the pool, and fell into the ocean.  At first, he thought it was an unusual hazard, for a par 3.  After Cooreshaw pulled him from the water, he spit out enough seaweed and salt water to discover that they had not resurfaced the pool area, but that he in fact, was on a sandy beach next to the ocean.  
It was the taste of the salt water that finally clued him in.

Hence, the "blind taste test" was born.

You didn't think he thought that up by himself, did you ?

The hole is still there, or at least was in October, when I last played. They maintain it as 300 yard practice hole.


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