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Yannick Pilon

New 12-hole golf course near Montreal, Quebec.... Thoughts?
« on: October 10, 2013, 07:16:05 AM »
I have the privilege of being involved in a new innovating project in the suburban city of Longueuil, near Montreal.

The Parcours du Cerf is a public 36-hole facility with great practice facilities that has been of of the most popular course in Quebec for a couple of years with over 70 000 rounds played for a couple of years.

They are now in the process of transforming one of their existing nines into a 12-hole course with a par of 44, 2 par fives, 4 par fours, and 6 par threes. All in hopes of attracting new younger players and families, and retain ageing ones that now find 18-holes to be too long to play. All while keeping their other 27-holes full.

Quick searches on the net highlight the fact that this idea has been discussed in the past.  Mainly by Jack Nicklaus, it seems.  But there seems to be very few courses that actually offer this. I know of one in Mississauga, Ontario... but there must be more out there.

Do you guys know or have you played any of these courses? How was it?  Are they successful?

I know this is a gamble, but I find it an interesting idea that could be good for the game. My original article on the subject with plans and a few images can be found here on my blog:

I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on the issue.

YP - Golf Course Architecture, Quebec, Canada

Frank Pont

Re: New 12-hole golf course near Montreal, Quebec.... Thoughts?
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2013, 10:12:43 AM »
There are some plans in europe to build 12 holes courses, and there are a few that are 12 holes already.

One of them is De Dommel, a 12 holes course by Colt in Holland. It originally was 9 holes colt to which later 3 holes were added by Steel. The course has one loop of 6 holes and 2 loops of 3 holes. However. I have just built 6 new holes to get them up to 12 holes....

Many of the older courses in Europe have a 9-6-3 setup whereby its quite easy to play 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 or 18 holes. I like this setup so much that whereever i can I try to use this scheme (eg at Turfvaert).

Ally Mcintosh

Re: New 12-hole golf course near Montreal, Quebec.... Thoughts?
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2013, 04:16:52 PM »
There are some plans in europe to build 12 holes courses, and there are a few that are 12 holes already.

One of them is De Dommel, a 12 holes course by Colt in Holland. It originally was 9 holes colt to which later 3 holes were added by Steel. The course has one loop of 6 holes and 2 loops of 3 holes. However. I have just built 6 new holes to get them up to 12 holes....

Many of the older courses in Europe have a 9-6-3 setup whereby its quite easy to play 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 or 18 holes. I like this setup so much that whereever i can I try to use this scheme (eg at Turfvaert).

Agreed Frank - The 3, 6, 9 returning loops are a nice touch...

Good luck with the project Yannick... Although I know of a few 12 hole courses, I don't think I've ever heard of a club actually break up an 18 hole course to build a non-regulation hole equivalent...
