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Chris Johnston

Grass Gang - Kesmac Gang Mower test results.
« on: October 04, 2013, 09:37:18 AM »
Grass guys...

As an adjunct to Mike Young's recent thread - Dismal River just completed a detailed test of a 9-deck gang mower manufactured by Kesmac in Canada.  Kesmac makes this product in 5, 7, and (Wow!) 11 deck variants.  The head of sales is John Owens - he has been terrific to work with as we needed a bit of hand holding.

Background - Don Mahaffey mentioned to me early on that gang mowers were pretty handy and our new course was designed, in part, to accommodate gang mowing.  I believe Don uses these at Wolf Point, and has written more than a bit about the topic.  For those less informed - gang mowers were "state of the art" decades ago, but have given way to stand alone five-deck integrated/self propelled fairway mowers.  I can tell you there was a ton of apprehension when the Kesmac arrived, concerns about quality of cut and "look", among others.

Unlike units of the past that were "ground driven", the Kesmac unit is fully hydraulic, pto driven, and pulled behind a (we have two Deere 4720's) tractor.  The cutting units are also state of the art - basically the same as found on modern mowers.  

Why did we look at the Kesmac?  Cost and efficiency!  The gang mower costs less than an integrated unit, and one person can mow 2x the width, and faster.  You do have to have the tractor to pull it, but a tractor is multi job, and already needed for other chores like top dressing, etc.  Also, this mower has no Tier 4 issues at all.

I'm told that the Kesmac mows our Nicklaus course in approx. 4 hours, the new course less than 5 - while operated by 1 person!  This task used to take 2-3 people, 2-3 mowers, and a similar amount of time.  Needless to say, the efficiency is easy on the budget as we have enjoyed savings in people, fuel, repairs, and initial equipment cost.  At a time when efficiency matters, this is pretty cool.

With "floating" cutting units, the Kesmac mows well.  We never mowed for look (diamond or checkerboard fairway pattern) so there wan't a give up there.  We mow the grass for playability over look, yet the look is terrific.

We call the Kesmac "The Judge" and it is a fairway mowing monster.  Grass really flies and the cut is terrific.

We have found that sometimes the old ways, especially those updated with current technology, can make for a solid option.

Our guys told me last week we might be interested in having 2 Kesmac units.  Quite an evolution from the day it arrived.

Back to the future!

Jon Wiggett

Re: Grass Gang - Kesmac Gang Mower test results.
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2013, 10:01:17 AM »
Good to hear this Chris. :) I know some turn their noses up at gang units but they are unbeatable for cost, time, quality.


Marc Haring

Re: Grass Gang - Kesmac Gang Mower test results.
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2013, 10:01:39 AM »

That's really interesting. I used two sets of nine unit Kesmacs when I was Super at Cumberwell Park. It was a no brainer even though I guess we were the only ones taking this route in the UK. As well as the efficiency benefits it meant we could create huge fairways and all the strategic benefits. Also, with a regular dedicated lightweight ride on mower, you can pretty much put them in the tip after about five years whereas the Kesmac's will be going strong in 20 years. I don't know why other courses don't invest in them.


Re: Grass Gang - Kesmac Gang Mower test results.
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2013, 10:17:11 AM »
Something about having to make payroll out of one's pocket driving "innovation".  Who knew?

But, have you checked the carbon footprint of this "new" system?  Any possibilities of going with renewables?  I hear that sheep can do well in those environs.

Charlie Gallagher

Re: Grass Gang - Kesmac Gang Mower test results.
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2013, 10:50:03 AM »
When I visited Wolf Point last fall and met Don, one of the first things I asked him was if he could show me their gang mower. I believe there is a thread about it on Mike Nuzzo's Blog "The Ideal Golf Course". That unit is a reconditioned Toro 7 Gang  with 11 reels. Don told us that they can't use the gang mower in the cooler months of the year as I believe the ground gets a little soft, but they can use it during the summer months and it reduces  the cutting time substantially.  One operator can mow the entire property except the greens.
   I trust other superintendents are looking into this as in our challenging financial times reducing labor cost is a key component of effective operation.

Keith Grande

Re: Grass Gang - Kesmac Gang Mower test results.
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2013, 11:03:44 AM »
Apparently there's no truth to the rumor that this device was created in response to golfers who want to play the first tee time in 2 1/2 hours.  ;D

Marc Haring

Re: Grass Gang - Kesmac Gang Mower test results.
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2013, 12:59:01 PM »
Standard UK fairway stuff Kelly. Bent, fescue, poa pratensis, bit of rye.


Re: Grass Gang - Kesmac Gang Mower test results.
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2013, 01:05:09 PM »
I am not familiar with the Kesmac but I have known of the initial JD units that were PTO driven hydraulic to give some problems with the pumps etc.  I use a reelmaster 7 gang 11 blade ground driven and feel comfortable it is a 20 year mower.  I think one can keep one lightweight self contained unit for approaches and perimeter edging if needed and used in conjunction with a gang for a great set-up.  I hear there is a gear sprocket that can be placed in the 11 blade reel to give it a higher FOC but that would of course reduce the torque.  The only issue I have with a 11 blade reel is if the grass gets ahead of you because of rain etc and then you need a way to get it back under control.  For most places a 7 blade is fine...
"just standing on a corner in Winslow Arizona"

Tom Bacsanyi

Re: Grass Gang - Kesmac Gang Mower test results.
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2013, 02:33:11 PM »
Very cool.  Question:  How do you do trim work around bunkers, approaches, and tight areas? Triplex?  Self-propelled fairway unit?  How many men/machines does it take to do that work?

Don't play too much golf. Two rounds a day are plenty.

--Harry Vardon


Re: Grass Gang - Kesmac Gang Mower test results.
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2013, 02:40:57 PM »
CJ, do you have use for the vertical mowing gang that Kesmac manufactures, also"  It seems in the literature that the lowest mower setting of 1/2" is fine for fescue or dwarf blue like at Rock Creek or Wild Horse.  Wouldn't those dwarf blues even more benefit from the verticutter than fescue on sandy base?

But, is it able to be set for use on bent grass and poa infested, or bermuda, at lower HOCs?  
No actual golf rounds were ruined or delayed, nor golf rules broken, in the taking of any photographs that may be displayed by the above forum user.

Mike Nuzzo

Re: Grass Gang - Kesmac Gang Mower test results.
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2013, 04:03:58 PM »
I won't speak for Don, but I don't remember seeing a different fairway mower out there.
Here are the blog posts:

Here comes the gang mower:

Mahaffey's 7 tips for successful gang mowing!

Thinking of Bob, Rihc, Bill, George, Neil, Dr. Childs, & Tiger.

Cliff Walston

Re: Grass Gang - Kesmac Gang Mower test results.
« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2013, 06:58:18 PM »
Pretty cool CJ.  Thanks for sharing.  Someone posted a picture of an old Willy's Jeep mowing Cypress Point with a gang mower in the fog.  Always thought that was a really cool photo.

Chris Johnston

Re: Grass Gang - Kesmac Gang Mower test results.
« Reply #12 on: October 04, 2013, 07:00:24 PM »
Tom - trim areas and finish lap with triplex/fairway mower.

Dick - we may demo the verticutter next on our fescue.  Will report if we do.

Nuzzo - great pics!

Eric Smith

Re: Grass Gang - Kesmac Gang Mower test results.
« Reply #13 on: October 04, 2013, 07:03:54 PM »
I was as excited seeing Don's gang mower at Wolf Point as I was the armadillo that ran across the fairway. ;D


Re: Grass Gang - Kesmac Gang Mower test results.
« Reply #14 on: October 04, 2013, 07:51:46 PM »
Pretty cool CJ.  Thanks for sharing.  Someone posted a picture of an old Willy's Jeep mowing Cypress Point with a gang mower in the fog.  Always thought that was a really cool photo.

I took that picture you mention in the early 90's at CPC...
"just standing on a corner in Winslow Arizona"
