"We've lost over two million golfers in the last few years.
Handicaps have not gone down over the years.
The high end country clubs I am familiar with have tables they have had for 50 years, their lockers are often metal, they have no scented towels,and they offer very little pretentiousness.
And IMHO the Cadillac did make the Malibu more expensive.....but GM understood where to place the Cadillac dealer and where the Chevy dealer was needed. Golf did not do that....
I just don't think the majority of the conditions we have come to accept as standard did anything for the game and in many ways harmed it. Tighter fairways definitely made the course longer and made the ball go further. Lower green heights brought about many agronomic issues that were not present before. None of this made more people play...but it probably forced some to stop. I often ask myself if my grandchildren will think of today's golf conditions as unplayable and unacceptable."
Thanks for the reply. Also, I think this thread is going exactly where you hoped it would. Me too.
The conditions you speak of did not surface in the last few years. Maybe it took that long for it to happen. Possible, yes. However, there are other potential causes for that reduction in play and not all of them related to scented towels, nice clothes on old tables, or agronomic issues previously unanticipated. Maybe my Malibu anaolgy was flawed, but I doubt it. You make the case that high end golf has harmed a more traditional view of the game. We can differ on that definition, but it was people that did it. People with disposable incomes that wanted what they wanted. Were they correct? In your eyes, probably not. But then again, how are you and I harmed? Do you like classical music less because of Led Zeppelin?
I think Tom Doak is correct in suggesting that highly regulated markets result in the kind of "mis-use" of resources that you write about. Even those regulations are the result of the acts of people. And who is to say that some of those communities would not have been built by folks that love that audacity that we deplore? I like wide fairways and firm conditions. We want the same thing when it comes to golf. I hope to be able to play that ideal golf course that you decide to build.