I wouldn't want to discourage those seeking a real backroad, among the sand hill ranches experience for those of you considering the Soddy Road. But, you should know that with a small rental car, you will be on a dusty unpaved road for quite a while if entering Soddy from hwy 92. Those that want to get there faster and on paved road still with a fair amount of sand hill scenery, I'd recommend staying on the state highways. If from Ogalalla, go up north from Oga on hwy 28 to the south side of lake, take hwy 61 to town of Authur, take 92 east to Tryon, take hwy 97 north to cross Dismal River bridge, pass Sand Hills GC sign another 5 miles or so, and enter county road 2108 west, which is mostly paved, to fork in road which is 3401 and part of the Soddy rd., take that to DR compound.
Alternate from Oga, stay on hwy 61 to Hyannis, take hwy 2 east to Mullen, take 97 south for a few miles to entrance county rd 2108. Plenty of good views along this route and all paved.
Fastest,, and safest IMHO, from Oga, take I-80 to North Plate, go north out of North Plate on hwy 83 just a couple miles to intersect with hwy 97. Take 97 across Dismal River bridge as explained above. You still see some nice sand hill views, but you get there efficiently.
If you are going to be a buckaroo, taking Soddy unpaved for such a long way, don't exceed a comfortable safe speed on that sandy slippery surface, often greatly washboarded. You risk busting suspension, spinning out, and it is not uncommon to run over bits of barbed wire. And changing tires in the middle of nowhere to one of those toy tires in the trunk is no fun. Ask Lou Duran about our excellent adventure getting stuck in sand and having a blown tire in pitch dark.

We needed assistance from locals on both counts... And I was driving an OJ style Bronco in those days with 4wd, and still needed another truck w/chains to get tugged out of sand to wheelwells!