A hole where the pin position makes all the difference. In essence the further left, the harder the hole.

The whole left side before the bunkers was seeded with heather brash and seed. It is developing incredibly quickly, expect it to be pure heather in 2 years!

In answer to Mark's question, I did not think of raising the lip of the bunkers. Interestingly, with the rough edges of the top of the bunker grown one does not see the left side of the green anymore. So it has done the trick itself.....

A very big green, sloping towards the player on the right, but rather flat on the left, and with a ridge running in the middle through it from front to back.

Its a green where its very easy to hit it in regulation but walk off with a bogey....
Over time I expect that we will remove all the trees behind the green (we left them for now to give the green more of a sheltered feel). This will make the distance judgement harder and will give a nice glance over to the heather area around the tees of hole 13 when standing on the green.