I would take exception to the contention that the contractor is going to build the greens contrary to the physical plans.
Think about it.
You retain a contractor based on his bidding on work outlined for him in detail.
Then, some are contending that the contractor is going to build the greens other than to the specifications.
Pretend for a second, that you and/or I represent the club as the project chairman.
I don't know about you, but once I see a green not built to specifications, I'm going to ask the GC, "What's this ? Why hasn't this green been built to specifications ?" Irrespective of his answer, my next statement would be as follows: Rip it up and build it according to the specifications. And, don't deviate from the architects specifications again." Is there anyone who represents the club that wouldn't act in similar fashion ?
So, I have my doubts about rogue GC's deviating from spec's
Then, you have to ask, where is the architect's/club's project Forman or Clerk of the Works ?
And how did they allow for a deviation from the spec's ?
In my 30 plus years in the biz, I will say I have experienced, and heard of other architects experiencing contractors or shapers doing just that, in varying degrees and with varying intent.
In most cases, the changes are meant to better adapt the green to field conditions the gca might not have known about if drawing a plan without ever seeing the property. But, in so doing, sometimes the entire intent of the green or at least a few key points have changed. Architect may be grateful.
In other cases, I have seen shapers simply want to stamp their input on greens or features, again, just to make it a very good project to have their names associated with. Architect might be grateful, or not. In the end, the architect somewhat benefits from not having his project look rubber stamped, and welcomes slight variations, if done well.
And sometimes, the shaper wants to change something just to see if he can get away with it. He just has that teenager personality where if Mom says get home at 10, he showed up at 10:15 just to test limits. Architect not as grateful......
With these types, the more famous the gca, the more this guy wants to change stuff up, just to prove he knows better!
So, with anything in life, it runs the gamut. Hard to know which green is which, but I bet every gca on here could give a list of greens changed by others from his intent or spec.