I think Josh is right about how many courses are designed with the overall bias towards how average golfers play strictly and aerial game and the design intent matches a maintenance meld intent to present a relatively soft and lush green environment. Thus, when weather and climate deal harshly, and water resources can't keep up with an already weak pampered turf sward, the resulting firm conditions aren't on a sward that can withstand it, it turns hard baked and dead, and that is what the average golfer understands firm, fast and yellow-brown patina to be.
So, we generally understand the difference around these cyber circles, but the average golfer doesn't seem to get it. This fellow commenting from KC media obviously doesn't know diddly, but he has a microphone. It is all about education going forward to impart proper appreciation of what is dead and gone, to what is a seasonal patina to be embraced and enjoyed. That responsibility lies mostly with the professional broadcast team.
I didn't see but a few minutes of the OCC broadcast, so I don't know if a proper turf conditions description by the broadcasters, or comments by the players was made. I hope so... for guys like this cat in KC's sake.