Seems to be as good a place as any to share a hilarious and surreal pace of play story. Couple weeks ago I was at Prairie Dunes with some friends from Olympia Fields and we were joined on Sunday by a CGA-er to be named Stettner. We go off 7:55, with nobody in front, and are fairly quick players, though 3 were walking and carrying. So as we are on the 2nd green I notice a group coming down one. By the 4th green they are pressing us pretty good, and though we were moving, they stay right behind us. A group of ladies in carts. Decent, not great golfers (our group is alll less than 5 hdcp except me, and one made it to the quarters of the mid-am a few years ago). Every few shots we would look back, and it's like we're Butch Cassidy saying "who are those guys (ladies)?" as they chase us all over the course.
They catch us as we tee off on 9 and they drive up to 8 green. So I ask them if they want to pass, and they say "heck no, you guys are really speedy!." I return the compliment, and we go on our way. We finish the front dead on 9:30. Back 9, same deal. We get a little ahead when one of them hits into the gunch, they catch up when one of us hits into the gunch. I don't think they ever had to wait for a shot, but they never let go of us either. We finish 11:05, in 3:10, really, really fast on that course in the wind and heat. They were right behind. One of the folks from Olympia is the chairman of the membership committee, he wanted to offer them free memberships on the spot, provided they agreed to teach the members how to play. Surreal. Ask Stettner.