While some traditionalist people honestly believe that it is a private club, and they can have any membership rules and restrictions they want, the tide of history is not going in that direction. The right to be exclusive is a sound one in that context. But, it is against the evolution of consensus society practices and customs to continue to hang on to the olden times values and customs. It just IS going to change, and some hangers on to the old ways will be dragged kicking and screaming into a more modern understanding. Some can derisively say they aren't for all the 'forced diversity' call it 'socialism or totalitarianism' whatever, and claim it is an assault on our freedoms. They will hold on to their closely held beliefs that it is their right individually and collectively to form an organization to associate with whomever and whatever other class of people they wish and exclude others as they deem in their custom and practice.
But the very fact that the equality laws have been promulgated in our modern society is proof that the world is changing, and the mechanisms of representative government have put new understandings in place via codes and law. The majority public seems no longer willing to support in ancillary ways like use of public treasury to provide services to an event put on by a club that excludes half of the human race based on sex. That is just fact. The law says they are exclusively men and can be so if they want at the HCEG, and the R&A can still apparently decide not to continue to offer an honoray membership to the Principal of St. Andrews because that person is currently a woman. But, are those same groups and clubs entitled to use any of the public's services paid for in taxation by half the population which are women, or add extra costly services to support and manage their events? The Open Championship is held at a place not open to membership inclusion of women- slightly more than half the world population. It is still OK to exclude them as the law and discussion states below - just not to ask for public services support to inflate the prestige and influence of the exclusive club. It seems no longer 'honourable' company to keep in the modern context. IMHO of course.
http://www.englandgolf.org/documents/Equality_Act_2010_Golf_Final__Aug_2010_.pdfparticularly this:
j. Our club is a gentlemen’s club where women are not admitted to any form of
membership. Are we now required to admit women to the club?
No. Genuinely single-sex clubs are not affected by the Act, and may continue to
restrict their membership to one sex. However, if members of the opposite sex are
permitted to join associate categories of membership or are invited as guests, then
the club needs to comply with the Act.