I know this is moldy, but I saw it and wanted to contribute:
So I grabbed the actual hole from GoogE and did a bit of markup

First of all, it's a 360-65 yard hole, but that is balanced by the parallel OB left, the entirety of the hole.
So that leads me to think that any deployment of bunkering has got to be for bigger hitters looking to avoid the OB sentinel.
1. Hence, my largest bunker is along the right--made large for tee visibility and for capture of the sneaky who think that something 250-275 "over there" will do. The basic reasoning is that if the hole is to be improved strategically by bunker addition, the hole must not be the one trick pony/and fortune of OB...I would like players to consider:
a. that going straight down the left center side is a risk worth taking (for both visibility, shortness, and better lie[better than on the right low flats])
b. that perhaps a driver bomb somewhere right side must be scaled back to 3 wood, hybrid, long iron right side
2. My small center bunker is 295 from the tee, so...
a. For most, it'll be a visual aid and aiming point.
b. For gorillas, it will give them pause before launching a no-spin ball behemoth thing
c. For shorter tacking players, it'll give pause to plot their next movement carefully
3. My near-right side fairway bunker is 150 carry from near the back of the tee box, so it's primary function is:
a. to provide a 3-D layer effect, visually, of the new bunkering (near, middle, and far) in staggered echelon. It's all frank and visible from the tee, so it's not intended for a camouflage of a sort, but to create a pleasing pocket of where the safe tee shot should be directed.
b. to lend a very solvable "steeplechase" element to the tee shot. I think it may have been Ross who refers to easily conquered driving hazards breeding pleasant confidence in the mind of the player.
c. to really distinguish/direct the senior's/ladies'/short hitter's strategic choice of where they will place their tee shot.
I tend to agree with others that the hole doesn't "need" more than one bunker to add strategic interest to the tee shot