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When they play the 2015 PGA Pro National Championship each player will play 18 at each course and then they cut the field to top 70 and ties amd they will play the last 36 at the Wissahickon course. Top 20 and ties goto the PGA Championship. Hope that helps.
“Greatness courts failure, Romeo.”

“You may be right boss, but you know what, sometimes par is good enough to win”

Powell Arms

Wayne, the course handled the winter well, and is starting it's sorting growth nicely. It is still closed to members. The grand opening is May 23, and we are all hopeful that we will be able to walk the course in the weeks prior to the opening. So, it's at least a few weeks before new photos will be posted.

I can't wait to get out on that grass and see it again!
« Last Edit: April 16, 2014, 08:53:59 PM by Powell Arms »

Powell Arms

Wissahickon opens in just over 3 weeks, on May 23.  Greens are being double cut and rolled, and approaches continue to be top dressed to firm them up.

More on course photos to come soon.  

The Golf Assoc of Philadelphia did a nice articcle on the restoration in their spring 2014 issue.  It can be found here, including a couple of new photos.

The article highlights an interesting pre-restoration question, that was posed by a member to the Club's Director of Golf Jim Smith, Jr.  If no one walks off of the course not liking it, why run the risk and expense of a restoration?  The results answer the question, but it is a great one that must be readily answered for those advancing tree removal or restoration programs.  In Crickets case, it was greens and bunkers, both ca. 1922.  That meant bunkers with no drainage, and excessive manpower to maintain.  Plus an irrigation system that needed to be replaced.  Basically, a lot of deferred maintenance, and money and hours spent on those band-aids instead of more productive things.

The clubhouse patio has been doubled in size, to consume the driveway that had existed behind 1tee & 18green.  Pretty good for those of us that are +2 drinkers and hecklers.

« Last Edit: April 28, 2014, 08:34:31 AM by Powell Arms »

Mark McKeever

Powell, please note the quarry location in the background of the second photo.   :'(

Best MGA showers - Bayonne

"Dude, he's a total d***"

Terry Lavin

Please note the spruce/evergreen/pine abominations in the first photo.  Were they put there to block a view of a roadway?  I'd rather look at a road!   :D
Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.  H.L. Mencken

Mark McKeever

Ive never thought anything of how bad they look until you brought it up Terry.  I'm surprised they're still there.

Best MGA showers - Bayonne

"Dude, he's a total d***"

Ed Brzezowski

UMMM   there is a drinking and heckling club there? I may have to join that place. My golf game stinks but my drinking is first rate.
We have a pool and a pond, the pond would be good for you.

Mark McKeever

I'm not surprised that the drinking and heckling at Cricket inspired Tilly to Write Cobble Valley Golf Yarns & The Mutt 90 years ago.  Some of the stuff he talks about in the books still goes on today.

For those unaware, Tilly's books are funny short stories on country club life.

Best MGA showers - Bayonne

"Dude, he's a total d***"

Powell Arms

It is 1 week until the Wissahickon course reopens after a restoration that started in June, 2014.  

There are some current photos below, along with some interesting details about course setup and accessories to achieve the simple, understated presentation that the club desires.

As you can see on 16, there will be no dew paths mowed to avoid a cluttered look.  The rough will be kept as low as practical (2.5 - 3 inches).

New natural benches have been built in house

The photo above is looking down new 9 / old 6.  Internal OB has been removed from the right of new 6, and the right of 11.  With the railroad trestle maintained as thick native area, the effect is likely the same.

Here's another view of new 6, looking directly down the hole.  Right is in bounds but still no good

And this bunker left on new 6 is no slouch

Great hazard on new 7 maturing nicely

Approach to new 4 / old 7, with wooden rakes and some severe bunkering from 100 yards and in on what is now a 487 yard par 4 from the members' tee.

A new walking bridge has been built from new 9 / old 6 to 10 tee.

As has been discussed before, the greens will have no collars.  In addition to the clean look, it increases the green area by 20% per green, on average, and allows for substantially more hole locations.  The expanded patio can been seen behind the collarless 18th green in the photo below

Flagsticks have been changed to wood, with the flags changed to fabric

I think the next 7 days may be the longest !
« Last Edit: May 16, 2014, 11:30:58 AM by Powell Arms »

John Shimony

The benches, flagsticks and flags are a nice touch.
John Shimony
Philadelphia, PA

Powell Arms

The benches, flagsticks and flags are a nice touch.

Contain your excitement, I added some rake photos



Great stuff. Very exciting for the whole area.

One question though; how could removing aprons add 20% to the total green space?

Terry Lavin

Time for a Philly trip this summer!
Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.  H.L. Mencken

Powell Arms

See below
« Last Edit: May 16, 2014, 12:31:36 PM by Powell Arms »

Powell Arms

One question though; how could removing aprons add 20% to the total green space?

Wow, extra credit for reading the details!

Jim, I guess it is more like "effectively 20 %", and specifically looking at pinable area.  Here is the rationale:

As an example the new 5 / old  8 restored green is 113 paces in diameter.  At 3 feet of collar, that is about 1,000 sf and our greens average 6,000 sf.  When you need to be a couple of paces from the edge of collar to place a cup, and end up losing what would be neat hole locations because they are now too close to the edge of green (collar).

I don't have a photo, but you probably are familiar with the 17th green and how it has two wings that extend outboard of the bunkers that front the green right and left. Without the collar , those wings are now pinable , and create a great look with flags that appear as if they are not on the green.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2014, 04:07:29 PM by Powell Arms »

Dan Herrmann

I think I've talked with Philly Cricket members every time I played at French Creek since the Wissahickon course closed last year (we're been very happy to have them).

Each and every member I've talked with is tremendously excited and thrilled about the restoration efforts.


PS  - I remember the first time I played FC after walking it many times during construction.  I think it rained the opening day, but I couldn't have cared less because I was downright giddy!
« Last Edit: May 16, 2014, 01:51:16 PM by Dan Herrmann »



Thanks for posting and well done.  The course looks great and I love the attention to all the small details - the love that the membership has for the course is clear.

I was lucky to spend some time with a couple of the Philadelphia guys at the Phosphate Feathery – a great group who are passionate about their golf and their club.

Congratulations and best of luck.



I also love the little touches such as the wooden flagsticks, new flags and even the wodden rakes.  Beyond that, the restoration work looks spectacular, particularly the bunkering.  Congratulations to your club and the members for their dedication to completing the work.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2014, 02:18:04 PM by Brian Hoover »

Josh Tarble

Thanks for posting this entire thread.  The course looks great and I'm sure it's a bit difficult to contain your excitement with opening day so close. 

With this renovation, seeing the pictures of the St. Martins course and the Militia Hill course, the membership is extremely lucky to have 3 outstanding and varied courses available to play.

Dan Herrmann

Josh - you can even play cricket out there!

Rory Connaughton

Powell &Mark - Congratulations.  What great looking work.  The best part of it is that you loved it before and now . . . you are going to have a great summer!

Powell Arms

I think I've talked with Philly Cricket members every time I played at French Creek since the Wissahickon course closed last year (we're been very happy to have them).

Each and every member I've talked with is tremendously excited and thrilled about the restoration efforts.


PS  - I remember the first time I played FC after walking it many times during construction.  I think it rained the opening day, but I couldn't have cared less because I was downright giddy!

And we were thrilled to be hosted by French Creek and 64 other courses, from Lancaster to the Lehigh Valley to S Jersey to Delaware, while Wissahickon was closed. As great as that has been, it will be even better to be home.


   I heard a rumor that the course will now be walking only?  True?  If so, how's that going over?

Powell Arms

   I heard a rumor that the course will now be walking only?  True?  If so, how's that going over?

That is correct.  It will be walking only with the exception of those with a doctor's note.  That is in effect for this season; a determination has not been made for next year.

Recognizing that the course hasnt opened, there has not been too much negative reaction.  Most people walked with caddies in the past, so it doesnt affect too many people, but I am sure that small group has a strong reaction.  I do believe that everyone realizes the cart prohibition will allow further, helathy grow in and minimize damage during this first season, so it will be tolerated.

Terry Lavin

Smart move. Even in a club that has a walking culture, carts really leave their mark. It'll be pristine. At least for a year!
Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.  H.L. Mencken
