Terry, I didn’t read that Bamberger article (thank you for sharing it), but I sure did see the feature in the SI Golf preview. Johnny Miller’s bag was awesome -- I would love to see the pros of today play a few holes with those clubs and a balata ball. Who knows, they will probably still do well because of the skill level and hand/eye coordination, but it would be fun to see the younger guys with some persimmon.
No doubt equipment has changed this game (for better or worse is another argument). I agree that the pros today play a totally different game. There really is not much need to worry about shaping the ball, but rather controlling trajectory.
Tiger came up right on the edge of the technology explosion. I think he mentioned that he kept a 1-iron in his bag until he was out of college. Man, what he could have done with his “kill the competition” mindset 20 years ago if he had access to today’s equipment? Scary to think about.
Also, if it’s a competitive Open and the winning score is -14 will it really matter? I think it will get overlooked unless someone runs away with it. They (the media, USGA) will shrug it off and say: “Oh well, we got screwed by the weather.” So, I guess the short answer to the question, is "probably not." I don't think it will be a referrendum on the ball or equipment.
-- Rob