I don't particularly enjoy penal courses, but a penal hole in the middle of a stretch of strategic holes (and a few heroic ones) can be very exciting and refreshing. Do you enjoy this type of hole? If not, why? If you enjoy such a hole, what qualities do you think make it fun? Are there qualities you'd avoid when designing such a hole?
Off the top of my head, here are qualities I enjoy in a one-off penal hole:
- A do-or-die tee shot that requires above-average precision (such as through a chute of trees)
- At least one shot that requires shaping, lest you lose a stroke
- A variety of hazards
...and qualities I dislike:
- A strong likelihood of a lost ball if a shot is foozled (water, out of bounds)
- A good chance of hitting a cart path with a shot that's even slightly off line
- Run-of-the-mill hazards (I want them at least to appear to be fearsome)