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Blown Sand
« on: May 16, 2013, 06:03:25 AM »
I recently came across an interesting comment by CH Alison.  In a 1938 report for Southerndown Alison stated

"...I have marked approximately the area where sand should be, and have kept it small, so as to avoid blown sand as far as possible.  ....There would, of course, be no objection to making the bunker larger, but no more into the line, provided that you are not afraid of blown sand."

I find this quote interesting because Alison seems to be pandering to maintenance issues of blown sand.  He offers a solution of smaller bunkers to mitigate the issue, but it seems as though he would prefer larger bunkers. 

When did blown sand start to become an issue for maintenance?  Presumably, pot bunkers are in response to this problem for course not on sites large enough to cope (practically every links), but I have never actually seen it cited as a reason.  Any thoughts?

New plays planned for 2025: Wentworth Edinburgh, Machrihanish Dunes, Dunaverty, Dumbarnie, Gleneagles Queens and Carradale

Ally Mcintosh

Re: Blown Sand
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2013, 07:17:02 AM »

I think the evolution of the sod wall bunker was definitely in part because of blown sand. The advantage is equally as much to do with erosion within the bunkers as blown sand damaging the playing surface.

As I stated on a previous thread to you, I think the worry about open sand effecting the playing surface on a links is a little overstated at times. From an aesthetic and environmental perspective, I much prefer to see open sand scars / blow-outs left untouched wherever possible. Stabilisation seems to be the default position these days and I think the approach is often too conservative (the course at Balmedie was crying out for at least some sand to be left exposed). Why not resort to stabilisation as a last resort only after the course is in play?

With regards to formal bunkers, then yes – I guess it’s finding the right balance between design vision and maintenance needs.

Thomas Dai

Re: Blown Sand
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2013, 01:17:25 PM »
They installed a bunker at the very rear of the 17th green at Royal Aberdeen many years ago. Pretty soon afterwards a storm blew all the sand out, much of it ending up on the green. The bunker was filled in and returned to turf soon afterwards.

I think the greenkeepers blog at Cruden Bay discusses wind blown sand in relation to the work that was done on the 14th green -

As to playing when there's wind blown sand around, well putting last on a green with a small amount of wind blown sand on it has its advantages, as you can identify way a putt breaks. Can be interesting, and amusing, in matchplay.

All the best.
