OK. I will try and make this my last post as this dog is pretty well dead

The pricing srtucture the GSGA chooses allows smaller clubs to be subsidized by larger clubs. I paid just under $17,000 this year to the state golf association and you joined for a minimum of $1250. Let's look at this for a moment:
We both received the exact same benefits--our courses are rated and sloped, our handicaps are compiled and updated, we each received a Dell computer, screen and printer, we both benefited from the lobbying efforts at the capitol re: water usage and property valuations thanks to to Economic Impact Study from Stanford paid for by the GSGA, we both have employees and their dependents eligible for the Yates and Moncreif Scholarship programs, we both benefit from the TPP, Handicap and Rules seminars and have equal access to call at anytime for help.
As a club the only real difference is a computer program calculates several hundred handicap indexes for me and about 30 for you (I am guessing). That really isn't worth $16,000!?!? I should be the one complaining as it is me, and other big clubs like me, that subsidize your membership!

But I am OK with that.
Also, our individual members receive the exact same benefits too--handicap, tournaments for every day play, championships, subscription to GolfGA and their choice of GolfWeek or GolfWorld, travel discounts plus other things I mentioned already.
One last thought--we both mark up and sell at a profit the GSGA Membership. It costs us $25 per Member. I charge my Member $33 so I make $8 per person. Most clubs charge $40-$50 and some (Cherokee I think, bundles it with their range program for $200) charge even more. It is essentially an inventory item you can sell at your club.
Assuming a $40 price, selling GSGA Memberships is more profitible than selling ProV1 balls and you dont have to "carry" any inventory! I wish owners would realize that they are better off encouraging and selling GSGA Membership than the prov1s but it is tough. Also, I promise that in my club, my member who has a GSGA Membership and a handicap is more engaged and less likely to become disengaged with golf and therefore quit. GSGA Membership is another "sticking point" for them and something any owner wants--sticking points to keep your customers/members tied to your facility!