Alfie Ward, long term contributor to this website, has a most entertaining new book out.
It sets out the full story of how he and his brother recreated a long lost course from the days of Hickory.
This is the most authentic course reconstruction you’ll ever hear of. They literally walked the ground to find the holes, at least in part because they couldn’t afford a tractor! Over the next couple of years they then acted as designers, labrourers, green keepers/sheep s+++ shovellers/receptionist/historian/tea makers/etc/etc. doing it all exactly like it was done the first time.
Against incredible odds they got the club up and running and received both incredible life affirming feedback and stunning setbacks. Alfie doesn’t spare the pain, of either the physical effort this required of them or the toll it took on those around them. There are also the days that they wouldn’t have traded for anything. How many times has Sean Connery called you?
Many of the books recommended above fit neatly into categories where the well read GCA’er won’t read that much that’s new to them. However this book is unique. Alfie honestly and compellingly tells the story of how he and his brother built a course by hand. He lived the dream and now he’s documented it. Recommended.
I will leave it at that for now as I believe Ran is planning an interview about the book early next year. At that point Alfie will be delighted to answer Your questions – just as soon as he can remember his bloody password!

The book is self published but available from.!-What-Fairways/5/0/2833/ There appear to be several bookstores who are listing the book ; WH Smith and, of course,
There's no point posting the book abroad as the postage is extortionate, but Alfie can send direct to the UK for £13 (signed copies) contact him at
Merry Christmas Alfie.