Now does that Peter Pallotta bring sunshine intae your lives or doesn't he! He's hyperbolic this morning!
I have to admit I feel for all you golfers who are still house-bound. No I really mean that, I'm not being facetious. It is one of the reasons that I know I could never go and live somewhere where golf 12 months a year was not possible. I get "itchy" and withdrawal symptoms after a week!! Such is the confined and restricted state of this golfing tragic.
Strangely this last two months in Brisbane, Oz, have been wetter than almost any time on record. Uncharacteristically wet, not with sub-tropical rain but many, many days of "drizzly" showers interspersed with more normal heavy downpours. This has severely impacted the club's cash-flow as Brisbanites are quick not to turn out if the weather is inclement as the morrow normally brings a day made in Heaven.
Cheers Colin