Several months ago, sitting about with a group of know-it-all golf whores, the discussion turned to Augusta. As we were on bottle #3, a 2006 Heitz Cabernet, some surprisingly frank opinions came rolling out about America's holy grail of impossible access.
It was a small sampling, but four (of 6) of the assemblage had played Augusta numerous times - as well as an average of 16 out of the top 20 on the G.D. list. Everyone had played PV, NGLA, Pebble, Cypress and Shinnecock.
Here is the surprise: None of the four put Augusta - AS A GOLF COURSE - in their top three. This is in line with the other 20 people I know who have played it. There is nothing scientific about this poll (as this Board now seems filled with British mathematicians and statistics majors), but over the years, I make a mental note to ask everyone who has played the course where they put it in their personal list of favorites.
In the interest of full disclosure, I also know four or five corporate types who have played Augusta, but discount their breathless hyperbole because not one of them knows a Redan from a ball washer - and cannot separate the experience from a cold analysis of the golf course.
Here is what I've been told - aside from the prattle of starstruck plebeians: Not a single well traveled golfer whose opinion I respect - meaning the ability to articulate specifics - has ever told me that Augusta is their favorite golf course. Not one.
It almost always makes the top five, but I've never had anyone tell me Augusta is better than PV. Oddly, I've also never had anybody assert to me that Augusta is a better designed golf course than NGLA.
I'm wondering how the peanut gallery feels about this. Is the primary allure of playing Augusta bragging a crack at the back nine and a big-ass notch on your golfing bedpost?
For our little gathering above, en vino veritas.
Well here you go.
Augusta is better than Pine Valley.
I'm pretty well traveled, I guess it just comes down to whether or not you respect my opinion.
I would argue that those who prefer Pine Valley are LESS sophisticated about design, subtlety, variety, and strategy.
Augusta can be enjoyed equally well by a professional and a 28 handicapper. No way the 28 finishes many holes at PV
and believe me, I'm not confusing the experience with the course as most of my experiences have been of the back door variety (literally) and not the kind Sandy so eloquently (and enviously) described.
NGLA?, that's a tougher one....
Congratulations Sandy,
You got lucky with the weather as I was there(Augusta the town, not ANGC) for a week and left the day before you played .It was beautiful and 65 as we drove to the airport Friday afternoon-didn't sniff that though the rest of the week,windy with highs in the upper 40's and low 50's and 20's at night. Cold for march in Augusta.
Continued on the family tradition as my son and I played Augusta CC Wednesday and I showed him the "access" points to ANGC, otherwise known as holes in the fence near Rae's Creek. Just goes to show that "Sheehy" character isn't the only one with "access"