So he greatest ball engineers in the world, who have managed to make balls that go 10-15% farther, spin better when needed, more durable, and more consistent, couldn't produce a ball that goes shorter on a consistent predictable basis?
Couldn't or wouldn't?
Total BS.
Of course there would be initial inconsistencies, and it might take more than 5 minutes to figure it out-but give me a break.
Amazing that the manufacturers are silently preparing, but it seems the USGA isn't.
I can ship them a box of Titeleist balata 90's circa 1990 if that helps.
Wonder why the makers of wood bats didn't pull out the "we can't make it card"

It is refereshing to hear that the manufacturers think they can squeeze another 70 yards out of the ball (I wonder if the "inconsistencies" would slow them down there and make them abandon that quest)
I love how the USGA putter ban debacle is brought up as a possible impediment to rolling back the ball.
Well if they'd gone after something relevant like distance that affects the variety,cost, size, safety, and speed of playing via ball or COR restrictions, rather than a technique 30 years after the fact that does nothing to affect any of the above listed factors, they might have more credibility, rather than less.
After the putter nonsense, they definitely have made the ball rollback an even more uphill battle.