Hi Burr,
Neither of them are terrible or anything...just thought #8 was a bit odd with the transition from shot 1 to shot 2. Saw many guys in the Mass. Am. (myself included) fail to pull off a long faded tee ball, only to hit a grounder recovery up the hill to wedge distance. I thought the green was neat, and the third shot from an uneven lie made you think. I don't have the length to bring that green in range in two shots so that wasn't an option for me even if I pulled off the tee shot. #9 tee is a great spot, but for the Am. the green was near unplayable due to the green slope and firmness. For the two stroke play days it was so firm, and the MGA was satisfied having only a small area around the hole where a ball would stop. Playing the ball short of the green didn't work because most balls did not bounce forward, and anything landing on the green would run through...both leaving very difficult chip shots on the edge of fairness. Obviously missing right is dead, leaving only the bunker left as the acceptable miss...just a bit too much luck involved when I played the hole in the event. It seemed ok later in the week after they had some rain.