I'm definitely going back. Now that I have a better understanding of the towns and villages around the resort I think an annual visit is not out of the question with a small group of friends. Maybe Howard will plan a reunion event at Streamsong next year!
Would there be interest from others in a 2014 Streamsong event?
No promises. Just trying to determine if I'm a masochist...
UPDATE: 3/10/2014DATE: Thursday, March 13 to Sunday, March 16, 2014. Thats the first weekend after daylight savings.
Clubhouse, Single OccupancyPowell Arms
Steve Wilson
Jon Byron
Mark Glatz
Clubhouse, Double OccupancyHoward Riefs
Michael Wharton-Palmer
Michael Whitaker
Craig Disher
Bill Brightly
Jim Brightly
Chris Hufnagel
Matt Schmidt
Lodge, Single OccupancyJon Stein
Peter Le
Mark Dawejko
Wayne Freeman
Terry Peters
Mike Miller
Bryan Izatt
Jerry McElroy
Lodge, Double OccupancyGene Farrell
Ron Kluwe
Golf only Steve Salmen (Friday am/pm)
Riefs' special guest (Saturday pm/Sunday am)
Pete B (TBD - Saturday only)
FUTURE INTEREST:We can certainly include others that may not be able to commit at this time; it will be on a space available basis. Meaning: Streamsong will release the other rooms in the Clubhouse and they may be booked later. With 216 rooms in the Lodge, there's plenty of space. I'll book additional tee times to keep us covered just in case.
NEXT STEPS:* I am still waiting to receive a contract from Streamsong. I anticipate receiving it by early next week. Once I do, I'll notify everybody
* Streamsong will collect a $300 non-refundable deposit for those who signed up for lodging and golf. (If you need to cancel, we can try to transfer it to another person if they sign up at a future date.)
* There is no deposit for those who are golf only
* Deadline for the deposit is likely two weeks from the date that I receive the contract
* You will pay Streamsong directly for the deposit. I'll provide logistics as soon as I confirm them.
Google Docs spreadsheet with details:
TEE TIMES, PAIRINGS, MATCHESThursday, March 13 Red Course 1:30 p.m. Arms, Dawejko, Glatz, Miller
1:40 p.m. Hufnagel, Riefs, Schmidt, Wharton-Palmer
1:50 p.m. Izatt, Le, McElroy, Stein
2:00 p.m. Byron, Peters, Wilson
2:10 p.m. B. Brightly, J. Brightly, Disher, Whitaker
Friday, March 14 Blue Course 7:55 a.m. Farrell, Freeman, Kluwe
8:05 a.m. McElroy, Stein vs. Izatt, Le
8:15 a.m. Riefs, Wharton-Palmer vs. Peters, Whitaker
8:25 a.m. Miller, Wilson vs. Byron, Hufnagel
8:35 a.m. Dawejko, Glatz vs. Disher, Salmen
8:45 a.m. Arms, Schmidt vs. B. Brightly and J. Brightly
Red Course 1:30 p.m. Farrell, Freeman, Kluwe
1:40 p.m. McElroy, Wilson vs. Izatt, Le
1:50 p.m. Miller, Dawejko vs. Peters, Whitaker
2:00 p.m. Riefs, Schmidt vs. Hufnagel, Salmen
2:10 p.m. Arms, Stein vs. Disher, J. Brightly
2:20 p.m. Glatz, Wharton-Palmer vs. B. Brightly, Byron
Saturday, March 15 Red Course 8:00 a.m. Dawejko, Schmidt vs. Disher, Whitaker
8:10 a.m. Glatz, McElroy vs. Izatt, Peters
8:20 a.m. Riefs, Stein vs. Hufnagel, Le
8:30 a.m. Arms, Wharton-Palmer vs. B. Brightly, J. Brightly
8:40 a.m. Miller, Wilson vs.Byron, TBD
8:50 a.m. Farrell, Freeman, Kluwe
Blue Course 1:35 p.m. Miller vs. Peters; Glatz vs. Whitaker
1:45 p.m. Wilson vs. Disher; Wharton-Palmer vs. Le
1:55 p.m. McElroy vs. J. Brightly; Dawejko vs. Izatt
2:05 p.m. Schmidt vs. Hufnagel; Stein vs. Byron
2:15 p.m. Arms vs. B. Brightly; Riefs vs. TBD
2:25 p.m. Farrell, Freeman, Kluwe
Sunday, March 16 Blue Course 7:35 a.m. Hufnagel, Le, Riefs, Schmidt
7:45 a.m. Arms, Dawejko, Glatz, Miller
7:55 a.m. B. Brightly, J. Brightly, Wilson
8:05 a.m. Byron, Disher, Peters, Whitaker
8:15 a.m. Farrell, Freeman, Kluwe
MATCHES RULES OF THE ROAD1. FORMATFour Rounds of Matches between the Minimalists and MacRaynors teams:
Friday morning: Fourball (Blue course)
Friday afternoon: Fourball (Red course)
Saturday morning: Fourball (Red course)
Saturday afternoon: Singles (Blue course)
Thursday afternoon (Red Course) and Sunday morning (Blue Course) are open play, and wont count in the competition
2. TEAMS 22 people attending the Phosphate Feathery
Farrell, Freeman and Kluwe group not participating in the competition
Teams of 10 (Minimalists) and 9 (MacRaynors) playing all four competitive rounds
Steve Salmen playing both rounds on Friday for the MacRaynors team, and (hopefully) TBD player on Saturday to provide even teams
Minimalists +2.1 - Michael Wharton-Palmer
2.5 - Matt Schmidt
6.8 - Jon Stein
8.9 - Mark Glatz
10.4 - Powell Arms
12.1 - Mike Miller
12.5 - Jerry McElroy
13.4 - Mark Dawejko
13.7 - Howard Riefs
18.0 - Steve Wilson
MacRaynors 4.5 - Bill Brightly
5.5 - Peter Le
8.8 - Jon Byron
8.8 - Chris Hufnagel
9.5 - Mike Whitaker
10.7 - Jim Brightly
10.8 - Bryan Izatt
11.3 - Terry Peters
13.4 - Craig Disher
Guest participants:
2.3 - Steve Salmen (Friday)
TBD (Saturday)
3. SCORING Three points awarded per match:
1 point front 9
1 point back 9
1 point overall 18
Total of 25 matches and 75 points available
38 points wins competition
4. HANDICAPSEach match will play off the lowest handicap and others to be adjusted accordingly
5. TEESPlayers can choose any tee to play and wont be forced to play from a longer tee than comfortable playing
6. ATTIRERecommended attire for Fridays opening rounds:
Minimalists White shirt
MacRaynors Bold, loud shirt
.) 8. SOCIAL MEDIAPlay-by-play commentary, smack talk and celebratory photos encouraged; tag with #Feathery2014