Caddie golf. The gatekeeper for tens of thousands throughout the game's history. No one in my family played. I remember the day vividly. It was early Spring, 1972. I was bass fishing on a pond by the first Hole, at Radnor Valley C.C., much earlier than usual due to a freakish warm spell that rarely occurred back then. I had two nice bass already on my stringer and I look across and see a buddy of mine walking down the fairway with two bags on his shoulders. I knew nothing about golf and yelled over to him "Hey Bobby, check out these two bass." His eyes about popped out of his head when he saw the two beauties I hoisted up. "Wow" he said," I wish I could join you but I gotta stay with my loop!"
I asked him what he was doing and he said "caddying." When he told me it paid $7 bucks a bag plus tip and he earned $20.00 a round for a good job my jaw dropped. We both delivered papers in the morning and were lucky to make $40 for a whole month of work!. I asked he if I could get a job there and he told me to come with him the next morning and talk to the caddie-master.
The next day I embarked on my first loop and that was it. I loved the job. Outside. Helping players. Learning this awesome, devilish game. Went off to college... thanks to money earned caddying during high-school, and a partial J.Wood Caddie Scholarship that was funded by thoughtful and generous members of my and other Philadelphia area clubs.
The game, through caddie-golf and beyond, has given me so much...I can NEVER fully repay that debt. But I will die trying.