It does for me, to an extent...meaning....
Is Golf Course Design more a measure of creativity or practicality?
if that's worthy of the thread you've begun, then I would say the former, "Creativity,"...
Maybe if I cut to my own chase, it would advance the thread...
I'm a believer of GCA as the most unique, most dynamic form of Art we have instituted in eons. I used to think of cinema as the top of "entirely" new...but I came to realize that it drew on theater, writing, photography, which drew on pictorial representation, whereby we can get to Aristotle in a few moves...but GCA?
Where else is there an art that is intended to be used, changed, altered...even abused by millions and is never the same for anyone user...EVER . If you take a divot at Versailles, the gendarme will cuff you, if it's a hot day, the Night Watch doesn't's a form of designed art that mingles nature, man, visual aesthetics, and function in a completely personal and human way at a pitch that is rarely experienced in other arts, but is "de rigeur" for GCA.
If I ever prospect to be able to pay my bills while doing it, I wish to make it my life's advance the Art of GCA as a its own distinct worthy pocket in the field of Arts. the major cultural barrier to it (besides my own finite life and economy) is that it needs to break free from the "shell" of Golf in reputation. Golf is so limited, so small - as to the concepts we're dealing with in the history of culture that the prejudice to this consideration is monumental now.
However, we're only in the first 150 years of the "Art" at all, so I have hope...
But 100, 200, 2000 years from now...I would like to be counted in that number who signaled to future man that we did something pretty amazing starting in the late 19th century.