Tom, I have to say, having just received my copy of the Confidential Guide today (just in time for Christmas), thanks by the way, that I find it interesting as I peruse through it. Naturally, I'm going to look at the country/courses where I reside and compare your comments to those of US and UK/Ireland.
I can't but help to feel that The Netherlands was not really given enough attention. I'm sure time is a concern but with a handful of courses that are easily in the top 10 of continental Europe and every bit as good as 95% of the courses in the UK & Ireland as the guys who attend the upcoming BUDA in 2013 will find out.
The irony is that they are often created by some of the classic architects like Colt yet the landscape is equally if not more interesting.
The links courses including Noordwijkse are excellent, although Kennemer and Royal Hague only managed a 6 on your scale. I'd definitely say Noordwijkse, Den Pan and Eindhovensche should be covered in your new book. They are far too good not to be.
My 2 bits as my other home Oregon, I'm sure will get full coverage. I'd highly recommend trying to get out to that new, for your book, resort along the coast down near the California border. I understand it's worth the trip.
I can't say same for courses missed in the rest of continental Europe.
The other thing that will be really interesting is to see how much your opinion has changed in the nearly 20 years since you wrote this book or if it's even remotely similar. I'm certain even you will have gradually altered your ideas over such a long period of time with so much valuable experience gained.