I forget who said it, and the exact quote, but one of the ODG said something like "every great hole was controversial at first". If they had the land at Bandon would Kaiser have allowed a hole like the 16th at Cypress Point? The retail golfer certainly struggles on a hole like that.
100 years ago we weren't rating golf courses, I don't think you had 100s of golf experts running around pronouncing things good or bad, and I think they, like you, just wanted to play golf. TOC had the benefit of age and the opportunity for golfers to learn how to get around her.
At Dismal Old you had the comparisons to Sand Hills and condemnation of the architect for not worshiping there each time he came to town. I think Sand Hills is great, but I think it was wise to build something different next door. I think if they had gotten the agronomy and course management right from the start, there would have been less criticism and fewer changes.
At Bandon, BT seems to be the course they keep tweaking in an attempt to get more positive reviews. I thought the original was pretty good, but also required a little more thoughtful play then the other courses.
Had BT and DRO been built 100 years ago, or maybe even 25, I think the changes would have come slower and the courses would have had a chance to age.