I followed Tom Watson in his first round at Dornoch in 1981. It was a 3-4 club wind (drive/3-wood to 430 yard 8th-he didn't make the 230 carry over the hill....), and his "secret" was his naturally compact swing. As far as I could see, he changed nothing playing in such a wind other than to concentrate and keep doing better and simpler that which he would do in calmer conditions. And, BTW, he was born and raised in Missouri, not Kansas as others have said.
BTW2. Anybody else read the fact that both McIlroy and Els reneged on their long standing commitments to the Ozzie Open because the sponsors would not accede to their demands for a doubling of their appearance fees ($1mm to $2mm) due to each of them winning a major in the interim? Very naughty boys, those two........