All of these changes to the Old Course including the recontouring of the Eden green are only valid if you accept the premise that it is necessary to increase green speeds to protect par in the Open Championship. Since I do not accept this premise I don't think that I would change the green. I believe that we should adjust our thinking about scoring in major championship golf. Who cares if the winning score in the Open is 25 or 30 under par. Get the ball in the hole in one less stroke than your competitors and you are the "Champion Golfer for the Year". However, if you do accept the premise, then their can be no other course of action except to reduce the slope of the putting surface. The Eden green is marginally fair under average green speeds and nominal wind conditions. If you increase the speed of the green to 13, 14, or even 15 and add a little bit of wind, then Eden is unplayable.
There are much larger forces at work in this decision to renovate the Old Course. They relate to tournament sponsorships, advertising and TV ratings for the Open. In 2009
I was the General Chairman of the Shell Houston Open and we had to suspend play in the first round due to high winds. The greens at Redstone that day were stimping at around 15, and the wind was literally blowing the balls off of the putting surfaces. This delay resulted in the possibility of a Monday finish which would have significantly impacted our tournament revenues and the value that our sponsors received for their investment. 5:00pm Sunday finishes on TV are very important to sponsors of big time tournament golf. If the R&A is set on increasing green speeds, then they have little choice in renovating Eden. The wind blows often at the Old Course, and significant delays are unacceptable.
Having said all of that, there is not an architect alive who would not love the opportuntiy to work at the Old Course. So if the R&A called and asked for a consult, I would certainly answer the phone
. However, I would try and lead them in another direction.
Welcome to the site.
Very interesting comments.
please note the following rant is not directed at you.

as you clearly are advocating they just go play golf.
13,14,or 15 at The Old Course?
I'd say that has never happened, and I would hope they would never be above 10.
15 at Redstone? whatever, but I guess my only question would be how in the world did we get here?
I can't imagine a decent pin placement at that speed, forget the wind.
I would also argue that scores at the Old Course would be no lower with the greens running at 8-9 then they are running at 11, because they could place the pins in much more challenging positions at the slower speed.(and maybe preserve the interesting contours they are about to blow up.
I guess I do know how we got here, cause every time Mike Davis gets a mike or a reporter near him he's throwing stimp reading goals out there like 14 or 15, although in my opinion they thankfully never reach their stated, exaggerated goals in the recent majors.
Nothing quite like making 10 footers play like 3 footers.
At some point the geniuses busy outlawing anchoring with no statistical evidence will notice that putting is easier when you only need a 2 inch backswing, and quite diiffficult when you need a full stroke on an uphill putt with actual contour stimping in high single digits.
but we'll all be broke by then.