I was inspired by the thread on Failings of American Golf to come up with some potential new acronyms then I just kept going, so I thought it was worthy of it's own thread. I know we have some creative people lurking about (Gib?) or at least some verbose inbreds, so here's my current list for your perusal. Feel free to add your own nominees, critique mine or both. The proof will be in the pudding as to whether any of the best, or worst, come into the common parlance.. So here goes:
BNE- Belt Notching Envy
AWW- Access Whore Wannabe
BBB- Beginner Butt-Boy (Also known as B Cubed)
PLATO- Play the Top 100. #4 with a bullet IMO...As in John Doe has a PLATO chub.
FFF- Firm & Fast or F%^& it (or F Cubed)
CDB- Coore, Doak or Bust. Can be applied more broadly to any of the current generation of minimalists or the dreaded groupthink.
PSB- Play it in a Scramble with lots of Beer (Nice way of saying it's a dogtrack or Doak 0-3). As in "I'd say the Cashen is PSB".
LCE- Low Capper Envy or bowing down to opinions of better players than yourself.
KJED- Knows just enough to be dangerous. As in "Garland is KJED"

I probably fall into this category as do many hereabouts..