Hey Ben,
Thank you very much for serving our country, your the one who deserves praise along with our other veterans and troops.
I agree completely about length being overrated. It seems that every time I play golf with someone, they opt to play the set of tees with me that isn't suited towards their game. I insist that they should play the tees farther up, and they always reply with, "oh, it's ok, I will play the same tees as you." This then proceeds to me watching them struggle the whole round trying to hit long irons into par 4's and so on. The two summers I have spent in the Northwest, I have been trained on how distance doesn't matter. Courses like Broadmoor up there are 6,400 yards, but are the longest courses you will ever play, and yet they are soooooo short on the scorecard.
Why not play golf like the pros on TV do hitting short irons into every green? Why is it that everyone feels like they aren't challenged if they aren't hitting long irons into every par 4? Isn't golf supposed to be fun? I just don't understand why everyone always wants to make it more difficult for them when they play golf, wouldn't it be more fun making more birdies and not grinding out pars.