Gentlemen thanks, I don't have pictures of all the areas especially the ones that really make a big difference unfortunately. I did take one photo in the morning, the rest of the time I was focused on trying to get the ball in the hole.
You have to look at this with a bit of imagination. The first photo is how the rough was, it's like knee deep, and thick. The fairways look wide but I assure you they are not. If I think of something you've all played to compare it to, say Bandon or Pacific Dunes. The fairway are maybe 1/3 as wide and the average green size is also about 1/3 the size.
The before photo is taken looking back towards where the "as it is now" photo was taken from and lighting is of course different.

This second photo is taken at 8:15 am on Sunday looking back down the 9th directly with the 10th off to the right. Note the first photo is taken looking over the 10th and up to the 9th green and the clubhouse.

If you look closely you can see the hay bales off to the right. also you can see the lighter color line of where the deep stuff was. Again it's not all gone but where it was taken away, miss the fairway by a couple feet and you are searching and lucky to find anything.
Patrick, we were not talking about 4 inches of rough, which I know is also tough as nails to hit out of when done up right. We are talking about knee deep hay with probably 5-6 inches of that kind of rough mixed in. Rough dense enough that you are lucky to get out of. Here is a photo that I posted before demonstrating a miss of less than 2 inches which almost amounted to a lost ball.