For years I've used a 5 years old Canon PowerShot SD880 IS. It received very good reviews and I've been quite happy with it, taking about 45k pics.
Recently I plopped down the dough to get the 'latest and greatest' P&S cam, the Sony DSC RX-100, which has been getting glowing reviews.
On Sunday I played Lu Lu and took both cams out and tried to shoot very similar shots within seconds of one another with both cams. I imported the photos to iPhoto and organized them. Except for maybe one pic I straightened and cropped, the rest are straight from the cams. The Sony can shoot in raw mode, but I'm not doing that yet. I also did no post-processing of the pics on iPhoto. I used Galerie again to build the web photo album where the compression of the jpg's is set at a value of 60.
In the web page below, the pics are labeled as being from Camera A or Camera B.
Is it clear that one camera is superior to the other, at least on this day where both were set to full auto modes? link above requires a big monitor as they are formatted at 1400 pixels wide.
If you desire slightly smaller versions, use this link instead: