I found out about Domaine Laforest today as I was reading an article in Le Journal de Montreal about Canadian Billionaire Paul Desmarais of Power Corporation who had a golf course built on his 78km2 estate in 2002! The golf course is in Sagard, Quebec, in a super remote area that is quite mountainous. The article also says that is is Desmarais' personal club and only guests to his estate can play.
Here is a google maps image of the course (top right). His mansion is at the bottom left of this screenshot.
https://maps.google.ca/maps?q=Sagard,+QC&hl=en&ll=47.984637,-70.101314&spn=0.024358,0.066047&oq=sagard&t=h&hnear=Sagard,+Charlevoix-Est,+Quebec&z=15Couple questions/comments:
1. McBroom claims it might be his best course, however it is hard to say as no one has ever seen it except for presidents of countries, and apaprently Tiger Woods!
2. Ian Andrew, since you worked for McBroom do you know anything about this place?
3. Apparently the course is as manicured as Augusta National.
4. On average 50 round are played per year!
5. Guests are not allowed to take pictures of the course or of anything on the estate.
6. Are there many courses as exclusive as this? I might have my head in the sand but I have never heard of a course that only 1 person can play!