Spring Valley? At least the Lowlands of Elgin is in Illinois!
Here's what Brad wrote regarding the geographical range for this list:
"The magazine reaches a membership from Wisconsin north, Rockford west and Kankakee to the south"
No, I have no questions about this. The fact that people from Kankakee or Milwaukee want to know about the best holes in Chicagoland does not mean that they want or need to know about the best holes in Momence Illinois, Wauwatosa Wisconsin or Bridgman Michigan. I would suppose that they would expect that The Best Holes in Chicagoland would include holes in Chicagoland, not Cheesehead Land, Warren Dunes or Central Illinois.
Along this line, I don't think that Golfweek has a list of Best Courses in Illinois that includes courses that are sort of close to Illinois, in the Tri-State area, or despite their presence outside of Illinois, members of the Chicago District Golf Association. Those courses would be in lists of Michigan, Wisconsin and Indiana courses.
Furthermore, why would one need to go to Michigan or Wisconsin to come up with a list of the 18 greatest holes in Chicagoland? It's not like Chicagoland is so bereft of good golf that one has to consider courses outside of Illinois.