Too late for the survey but for what its worth, here's what I like;
1 - brief chat about the course ie who designed it, when where, any alterations, who by, that sort of thing. Nothing too long. Its great if it also includes a routing plan based on google earth pic as James Boon sometimes does.
2 - pictures from the angle you intend to pay the golf hole at ie. no need for side views or pretty pictures of hairy lipped bunkers.
3 - limit no of pics per hole, if hole is bland or relatively featureless then leave it out.
4 - an overall analysis/summation at the end helps to get the discussion going.
Now having said all that, what I tend to do is read the initial blurb and then scan through the photos, rarely taking time to read any blurb that goes with individual photos. What I'm looking for is an overall impression rather than an analysis of hole by hole unless of course its a course I know in which case I might be more interested in someone elses take on that. I note that's different to most folks so I guess that just proves you can't please everybody so you may as well make yourself happy and post the way you want to.